The field of preschool education is continually evolving, making it essential for preschool teachers to stay updated on the latest educative trends and advancements. This training course offers a valuable opportunity for preschool educators to delve into the core principles, key characteristics, advantages of leading preschool methodologies focalising them with the matter of inclusion in those early stages of life. The new edition of the course “The best for preschool teachers” took place in Bologna from 20/10/2024 to 26/10/2024. The participants came from across Europe, with Sarah Jane, Constance, Marisa, Chanice and Rose Anne, participants coming from Malta’s St Ignatius College Siggiewi Primary School; furthermore María Isabel and Alaida María, from the Spanish Colexio Guillelme Brown, and Natalia from CEIP VALDESPARTERA SCHOOL. Finally, coming from Sweden’s Luleå Kommun förskola, Wilma, Susanna, Sandra, Therese, Helen, and Julia.
Moreover, in the course, participants engaged in exercises that emphasized collaboration, communication, and empathy—key elements of the Italian approach to inclusive education. Through role-playing, group problem-solving, and shared reflections, educators practiced strategies for creating supportive classroom dynamics that celebrate each child’s unique strengths. These activities not only illustrated effective inclusive practices but also underscored the importance of fostering a sense of community and belonging among students, aligning perfectly with the inclusive principles at the heart of the Italian model.
Discover more about this course here.
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February 2025
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