Course overview
“Inclusive education is not an optional extra, it is a basic necessity. We must put the most vulnerable at the heart of our actions to achieve a better life for all” said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education. Statistics prove that students with learning disabilities in segregated schools catered for special education needs will be more likely to be earlier school drop-out or to have fewer opportunities when entering the job market. Inclusion of students with special needs in mainstream schools is an important goal. Italy has been a pioneer in this field and with only the 0,01% of students with special needs in segregated schools leads EU countries in inclusive education.
By participating in this course teachers and education staff will get to know and analyse the Italian model, discussing strategies, working methods and approaches to fight the segregation of students with special needs and to include them in mainstream education.
Courses planned2025 09/02/2025 - 15/02/2025 (Bologna) 11/05/2025 - 17/05/2025 (Bologna) 11/05/2025 - 17/05/2025 (Palermo) 05/10/2025 - 11/10/2025 (Bologna) 05/10/2025 - 11/10/2025 (Palermo) 30/11/2025 - 06/12/2025 (Bologna) 30/11/2025 - 06/12/2025 (Palermo) 2026 11/01/2026 - 17/01/2026 (Bologna) 22/02/2026 - 28/02/2026 (Palermo) 08/03/2026 - 14/03/2026 (Bologna) 10/05/2026 - 16/05/2026 (Bologna) 17/05/2026 - 23/05/2026 (Palermo) 20/09/2026 - 26/09/2026 (Bologna) 04/10/2026 - 10/10/2026 (Palermo) 22/11/2026 - 28/11/2026 (Bologna) 29/11/2026 - 05/12/2026 (Palermo) If none of these dates suits you please mind that if there are at least 8 participants interested we may organize an additional session ad-hoc for your school. Target audienceThis course is addressed to teachers, trainers, educational counsellors, career counsellors, school psychologists, headmasters, school management and administrative staff working in primary schools, secondary schools, vocational schools, training centres, adult education schools, higher education and NGOs. Please mind that the course may include teachers from different school levels. LanguageThe course is held in English. For groups with at least 8 participants, we can organize an ad-hoc session in a different language. Please write an email to [email protected] to get more information about it. |