To engage students, it’s a complex challenge: using innovative methods can be a significant resource to motivate them and to enhance their learning. Thanks to different kind of studies and research, today there are many tools available that can be used in the school environment: project-based learning, non-formal education, outdoor education, and ICT are some of the many opportunities that can be integrated with traditional teaching methods. The new edition of the course “Innovative teaching methods for teachers, school and adult education staff” took place in Bologna from 29/10/2023 to 04/11/2023. The participants came from all across Europe, with Liliana Serban from I.Al. Bratescu-Voinesti in Romania, Kornélia Szabó-Zentai Szegedi Madách Imre Magyar-Angol Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola in Hungary, Johanna Hagenmeyer from HAK Perg in Austria, Bilyana Valeva, Maria Semerdzhiyan, Antoniya Hristova, Yana Paskaleva from Ekzarh Antim I in Bulgaria, Ivana Hazulin from Pospiš Museum Radboa in Croatia, Petya Nedelkova from Private Secondary School "Educational Technologies" in Bulgaria, Rut Thorlacius Guðnadóttir and Katrín Jónsdóttir from Verzlunarskóli Íslands – The Commercial College of Iceland in Iceland, Pelin Doğan from Gebze Technical University in Turkey. Innovative teaching methods using ICT offer exciting possibilities for educators. By practicing various digital tools in the classroom, teachers discover fresh ways to engage students, assess their progress, and present lessons. This course equips participants with the skills to infuse innovation into their teaching practices. Non-Formal Education introduces engaging activities and teambuilding games to foster experiential learning. It enables students to move from reflection to conceptualization and application, actively participating in the learning process. These activities emphasize hands-on learning and collaboration. Project-Based Learning takes a unique approach by immersing students in real-world issues, starting with a central question. It encourages teamwork, creative problem-solving, and strategic learning, allowing students to discover answers from the very beginning. The power of Outdoor Education is unveiled with the help of ICT tools, turning learning into an adventure. Teachers explore the benefits of outdoor learning, which includes increased motivation, creativity, and improved well-being by connecting with nature and reducing stress. The cohort of this course consisted of teachers from diverse educational fields, various educational systems, and different backgrounds. This diversity among the participants enriched the learning experience as they were able to draw upon their unique perspectives and expertise. Sharing from their own experience, this created a conducive environment for healthy and constructive dialogue, which greatly contributed to the effective dissemination of the course material. As a result, the final outcome of the course was greatly enhanced by the collective knowledge and insights of the participants. Discover more about this course here. |
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February 2025
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