Nowadays soft skills are getting more and more important in the context of professional and daily life. It is essential to understand what key competencies we have and how to use them properly, what emotional intelligence and empathy is, how to build an effective group and maintain team spirit, how to manage conflicts. These were the topics explored during the course Soft skills and Emotional Intelligence (Tenerife, 13/03/2022-19/03/2022) by 16 participants from all over the Europe: Olga from Rigas namu parvaldnieks in Latvia, Andreja, Petra and Kajia from Osnovna šola Blaža Kocena Ponikva in Slovenia, Toshko, Velichka, Anna, Dimitrina and Anna Maria from 35 SEU Dobri Voinkov in Bulgaria, Virginija, Lora and Ligita from Gimnazijos 32 in Lithuania, Alka and Katarina from Public Open University of Zagreb in Coratia, Hennele and Pirjo-Anneli from Hyvinkään lukio in Finland. The first topics discussed in the course were the five pillars of Emotional Intelligence: we should be aware of our own emotions and feelings in order to understand other people better and communicate effectively. A good teacher is also a good leader of the classroom because they have to foster motivation and guide their students to reach a specific goal. We studied different leadership styles and tried to apply them in different situations. Communication is essential when it comes to teamwork. That’s why we dedicated our time to ways of communication: being able to show assertiveness can be tricky, however, by discussing this topic they saw that being assertive means to communicate what you want effectively.
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February 2025
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