Learning other languages is essential in an increasingly globalized world, even with the communication facilities that technology offers us. With that in mind, this summer we offer the course “Intensive Spanish Language Course for education staff” in Tenerife from the 09/07/23 till the 15/07/23.Our participants came from diverse educational backgrounds: Tereze from Vidzeme Technology and Design Vocational School in Latvia; Márta from Békéscsabai SZC Széchenyi István Két Tanítási Nyelvü Közgazdasági Technikum és Kollégium in Hungary; Katarzyna from Centrum Kształcenia Zawodowego i Ustawicznego w Strzelcach Op. in Poland; Ana from ESPI in France; Andrea from Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Judenburg in Austria; Grazia Maria from Agrupamento Escolas de Arouca in Portugal; Hafdís from Langholtsskóli in Iceland; and Jolanta from Langholtsskóli in Poland.Throughout the week, our participants immersed themselves in the domains of reading, writing, grammar, listening and speaking. At the basic level, they explored fascinating topics such as travel, work, hobbies, cooking, appearance and weather, among others. Along with vocabulary building, the group focused on promoting cooperation by engaging in grammar games, making informational posters, and helping each other decipher unfamiliar words and phrases. As attendees happily shared, the atmosphere was electrifying and their Spanish skills reached new heights.The advanced group embarked on daily challenges, diving deep into the intricacies of grammar, slang and nuances of the Spanish language in different countries. They selected Italian recipes for a delicious date, embarked on virtual trips to charming Spanish cities and immersed themselves in contemporary youth language. And who said advanced level has to be arduous and monotonous? All participants had fun with educational games, combining traditional classroom activities with the most modern technological tools. The guiding motto of the course was that it is never too late to learn languages and, above all, language learning is an exciting and enriching experience.
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February 2025
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