Nowadays, it is not always easy to keep the students motivated and engaged during the lessons. That’s why there is a growing trend towards integrating ICT tools and apps into teaching and learning. These tools can provide the teachers with a wide range of new possibilities and can make students more enthusiast and willing to learn.
The new edition of the course “Integrating ICT and new technologies into teaching and education” took place in Palermo from 02/07/2023 to 08/07/2023. The participants came from all across Europe, with Joseph and Roland from Berufliche Oberschule Friedberg, in Germany; Ionela and Daniel from Scoala Gimnaziala Comuna Slatioara, in Romania; Myropi, Antonios, Despoina and Ioannis from 8 LICEO THESSALONIKI, in Greece; Antonín and Vít from Katolické gymnázium Třebíč, in Czech Republic; Janos from Budapesti Műszaki Szakképzési Centrum Újpesti Két Tanítási Nyelvű Műszaki Technikum, in Hungary; Petra from Zakladni skola Praha 5, in Czech Republic; Brigitte from Gymnasium für Berufstätig, in Austria; and Barbara from FOS/BOS Regensburg, in Germany. During this course the participants learnt how to use many different apps and technological tools and had the chance to do many practical activities with them, creating also something useful for their lessons. First of all, with the purpose of introducing themselves, they had a look at a really easy virtual whiteboard that can create engaging and captivating online lessons and also collaborative learning experiences. Moreover, they also looked at another web application very useful to create a collaborative space where you can insert any type of multimedia contents (texts, images, videos, audio files, links, etc.). The participants also used it to make a little presentation of their schools. These two tools can boost student collaboration and engagement. Later on, they had the opportunity to focus on an online tool to create interactive presentations, thanks to which it is possible to present some topics by also adding some interactive features like quizzes, word clouds, multiple choices, etc. They also got to know an easy-to-use web platform to create educational and review games to play together in the classroom. During the course, a platform that allows efficient questions and answers visualizing was explored. This is really helpful to measure student understanding in real time to quickly assess students. During the practice time, our teachers created their own quizzes related to their subjects and they tested together some of them. During one of the sessions, we focused more on tools that create engaging multimedia content. In particular, we discovered platforms to create video lessons, stunning multimedia contents and interactive animated gamified content. All these tools can capture the students’ attention and foster their participation. Since the participants had many opportunities to network, they left Palermo enriched with the sharing of experiences of their colleagues. They went back to their countries with an increased knowledge on technological tools to use in their classrooms, ready to face new challenges and to transform the learning process into something fun, active and dynamic. Discover more about this course here. |
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February 2025
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