As per research done by Harvard University “85% of job success comes from having well‐developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).” Soft Skills and Emotional intelligence are essential component for every individual in their personal and professional life. Individuals with highly developed soft skills and EQ tend to perform better in their workplace and have successful relationships in general. Studies shows the significance on importance of soft skills and EQ in educational institutions that if educators focus on this quotient results in ensuring success for students in their future workplaces. The training course “Soft Skills and Emotional Intelligence for teachers and education staff” and “Effective Communication and Public Speaking for teachers and education staff” was organized in Palermo from 24/07/2022 to 30/07/2022. Our esteemed participants joined us from various educational institutions across the Europe. Individuals include Marketa from Novy Porg, Nuria and Ines from IES Antonio Buero Vallejo, Jozsef from Áldás Utcai Általános Iskola, Dora from Debreceni Egyetem Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Gimnáziuma és Általános Iskolája, Luboslava participated from Gymnazium Gymnázium Jána Adama Raymana, Milena joined us from Collège Sainte-Claire, Carmen and Belen took part from CPEPA Miguel Henrandez and Krisztina and Palma from Dunakeszi Radnóti Miklós Gimnázium. Our introductory day started with the detailed briefing and discussions on soft skills for teachers and Pillars of Emotional intelligence in their working environment. The introductory day was carried out through a series of activities and games covering topics such as empathy, self-control, self-motivation and building a connection and ways that it can be merged in their working environments. Leadership is crucial and one of the important traits to be learnt in and out of the working environment. During the second day participants were introduced to leadership styles which can be adopted and enhanced. The participants took part in various team building activities throughout the day along with their self-analysisas a team player. ![]() The third day was focused on communication with its importance, ways and the strategies through which individuals can attain the practical knowledge of how to communicate assertively and implement them in their workplaces. It is a tricky aspect to learn the art of assertive communication, however with right knowledge this skill can be learnt and enhanced. The fourth day of training course was focused on public speaking skills. During the day the attendees were trained on verbal & nonverbal communication and the art of public speaking with various fun filled activities. The following day ended with practice on public speaking in which participants took the podium and executed what had been learnt during the training. The final day was dedicated to conflict management. Effective strategies were discussed on how to avoid the workplace conflict and several team activities were arranged during this part. Individuals shared similarities on conflicts during their working environment and a new perspective to workplace conflict has been given a spectrum. Various cultural activities also took place during the week where participants were taken around the ancient and beautiful city center of Palermo after the training hours along with tasting of authentic Sicilian cuisine. If only focused attention is given to soft skills and Emotional intelligence of individuals right from the schools by Educators and parents, then we could have much better and prospering results in our working environment. “Doing this course changed my perspective and approach to teaching Discover more about this course at
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February 2025
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