Diversity reveals that we all have one thing in common: we differ from one another. Nowadays the term emerges everywhere - in commercial spots, on social media, in family discussions and in the classroom as well. The world we're living in is undeniably diversified as well as multicultural. To embrace and promote this diversity, teachers can provide an elementary stepstone for developing a tolerant atmosphere in classrooms. Whereby they foster the children's identity through exercises and tolerance as well as creating awareness of this topic. But what is diversity and how can we implement it into our education system to color the classroom and the world?
The new edition of the course “Diversity in the classroom: teaching tolerance and overcoming prejudices and discrimination” took place in Bologna from 15/05/2023 to 19/05/2023. The participants came from all across Europe, with Eeva and Minna from Syvälahden koulu in Finland, Pirjo and Satu from Kokkolan kaupunki/ Kiviniityn koulu in Finland, Eevamaija from Kaitaan lukio in Finland, Rocío and Nines from Escuela Infantil Los Pingüinos in Spain, Elena from I E S La Patacona in Spain, Sanni from Omnia in Finland and Károly from Friedrich-Engels-Gymnasium Senftenberg in Germany. Diversity is understood as the presence of differences. Although we are frequently unaware of it, our lives are incomparable even though we're living on the same planet. Our perception of the world is mostly determined by our identity, which puts a filter over our world. So we began the course exploring the concept of identity. With a practical exercise the teachers experienced by themselves how they can teach diversity in the classroom by drawing a portrait of themselves that represented the difference between who we are and how others perceive us. According to this we are immersed into cultural aspects of our identity. The participants experienced that intercultural learning can help students become aware of their own identity as well as facilitating a deeper look on cultural imprints and dealing with stereotypes consciously. Stereotypes come along with diversity, so we focused on them precisely through exercises, reflections and inspirational TED-Talks and differentiated them from prejudices. Being aware of this stereotypical categorization mechanism enables teachers and students to talk and discuss in an respectful way. Self awareness also prevents discrimination. Another part of the course was conflict management. Why do conflicts arise and how can we solve them? While the group became familiar with the various conflict management styles, they experienced again practically how solutions can be found in crucial situations and that conflicts contain opportunities for development when they take place in a respectful dialogue. Diversity contains different visions of the world based on cultural experiences, environmental issues and social treatments. In this course we identified diversity as a chance to embrace ourselves and to encourage students to do the same. The courses facilitated a widened space for discussions and intercultural exchanges and represented our diversity as well as broadening the knowledge of teaching and dealing with diversity in the classroom Discover more about this course here. |
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February 2025
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